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Ultimate Guidelines & Policies

Hassle Free Travels

One of the major goals for The Ultimate Camping Network has been to keep all procedures simple for the members. That’s why using the Ultimate Network is as easy as a single phone call. No cards to keep track of, no complicated restrictions, and no uncertainty about being accepted or having a site waiting for you. With the Ultimate Network, you can relax and travel within the system where you are truly a valued member. The Ultimate Network consists of resort  which offer $15 to $35 / night camping, a savings of up to 60% off published rates, and the StarLite Camping Network (SLN), with campgrounds offering 10-50% off published rates.


•    Toll-free calls for campsite reservations

•    Up to three (3) reservations at one time

•    Usage at StarLite parks

•    ULTIMATE Resorts 

•    Online Camping Guide

•    Website:

Length of Stay
Members may use campsites up to two separate seven night stays at each Affiliate Resort.

Exclusionary Period
Following any overnight stay of three or more nights, member must remain out of the Ultimate Camping Network a minimum of seven   nights before resuming camping in the network. Members have access to SLN parks all of the time.

Nightly Camping Fees
The nightly camping fee at all Ultimate Affiliate Resorts is $15 to $35 per night for a standard site including water and 30-amp service.  Additional fees for cable, WiFi, 50-amp service, or other resort amenities may apply.   Reservations are required to receive the Ultimate rate, call 1 (666) 641–0807.

Membership Identification
All members must present a valid Ultimate Membership Card at time of check in. If your Ultimate  Membership Card is lost or stolen, replacement cards may be obtained by sending $10.00 to Ultimate Go Life, P.O. Box 430, Gunnison, CO 81230. If your card is lost or stolen while on the road, please call Member Services.

Resort Rental Accommodations
Resort rental accommodations are available to members at the resort’s rates. Reservations for rentals must be made directly through the resort you are planning to visit. Some resorts may require advance reservations and some may require a deposit. Please consult this guide for phone numbers.

Membership Dues
You will be billed for your annual dues on the anniversary date of joining the Ultimate camping network.


As a member of Ultimate you have access to the StarLite Camping Network (SLN), which is a nationwide network of non-membership RV parks.

The StarLite Camping Network has been designed to supplement your Ultimate membership by offering additional facilities along major traveling routes and throughout many destination areas. Enjoy the convenience of toll-free calling for reservations through our central reservations system when you use the StarLite Camping Network.


The StarLite Camping Network represents a significant value when compared to other programs which offer nominal discounts off published rates. As an SLN member you pay a discounted nightly fee. The nightly fee includes water and electric utilities. Additional fees for cable, sewer hookup, and park amenities may apply.  All Ultimate4Wit members have access to the StarLite Camping Network.

•    Discounted camping with rates of up to 50% off published rates.
•    Convenience of toll-free calls to make reservations.
•    Security of confirmed campsites.
•    Non-membership RV parks and campgrounds.
•    Emphasis on destination areas and major travel routes.


Members agree to comply with the policies and procedures established by Ultimate Camping Network for the management of the system.

Members agree to adhere to the individual rules, regulations, and guidelines established by Ultimate affiliate resorts and SLN parks.

Members are responsible for any damage at Ultimate4Wit affiliate resorts or SLN parks caused by them or their guest(s).

Failure to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of The Ultimate Camping Network or the individual Ultimate affiliate resorts or SLN parks may be cause for suspension or termination of your Ultimate Network privileges.

If, at any time, you experience what you consider “difficulty” with an affiliate resort or SLN park, we ask that you immediately contact Member Services at 1 (866) 641–0807.

If there are camping resorts you would like to suggest be added to the reciprocal system,  please advise us of the resorts name and address along with any names of personnel you may know at the resort.

Who may join this membership?
The general public cannot join The Ultimate Camping Programs. Only members of resorts affiliated with Winnebago's Go Life Perks or organizations / clubs approved by Ultimate may join. This ensures that the affiliated resorts will host our members according to the rules of the Ultimate membership. This also ensures that our members will be greeted with courtesy when using the camping system.
When can I start making reservations?
Your permanent membership card should reach you within 60 days from the time your application is received by Ultimate4Wit, if your application is completely and correctly filled out and the membership fee has been paid. You may start making reservations upon the day you enroll in Ultimate camping program by using the temporary membership card and calling reservations at 1 (866) 641–0807.
Do I always have to make reservations in advance?
If you wish to be guaranteed a site and only pay the Ultimate Camping rate you must make reservations in advance. We recommend making reservations as far in advance as possible. You may make reservations up to ninety (90) days in advance. Sites are reserved on a first call, first served basis, and Ultimate cannot guarantee availability at a resort.  Very few, if any, affiliated resorts will allow drive-in members the Ultimate Camping rate of $15 to $35 per night. Our affiliated resorts will accept reservations the same day as your arrival if there is a site available.
Why do you charge a $20.00 “No Show” Fee?  
This is a courtesy to our affiliated resorts. When we make a reservation for one of our members, our affiliated resorts reserve a site for this reservation. If the member does not show up nor call to cancel their site, it sits empty. The affiliated resort is not able to sell that site to another camper. They must be compensated for reserving that empty site.
Am I able to stay at the same park consecutively under different memberships?
No.  The rights to reciprocal use are not combined between different camping affiliation memberships. No park is obligated to host a member under different affiliations for a member’s consecutive visit.
How do I receive updates?
Our online site: has current updates, an RV community, RV directory and other resources.

Will the resorts in the system always be the same?
All affiliated resorts are independently owned and operated.  The Ultimate Camping Network cannot guarantee that any affiliate resort will remain affiliated with Ultimate4Wit.  We do, however continuously seek to add resorts to our system.
Are there annual fees for The Ultimate Camping Network?
Yes. In order to remain in good standing with Ultimate4Wit and receive the discounted rates, you must pay your annual dues to Ultimate4Wit within 60 days of their due date.  Any member who allows their membership to lapse for more than 60 days will be required to pay a reinstatement fee of $250.00 in addition to the current annual dues. Ultimate, owned by Ultimate Camping Network, LLC is an independent contractor and in no way associated with the ownership, management or operations of Winnebago Industries, Inc. or
Winnebago GoLife Perks program.

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RV Camping For $15 to $35 a Night!


Reservation Specialists are available Monday through Friday

9 AM to 1 PM MST.

* Winnebago GoLife Perks replaces the WIT Club.

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